What’s your story? As people, we are all story-tellers. We all live within the tales we tell ourselves. We often wrestle with big narrative questions about our lives: Who am I? What’s wrong with me? Who/what is God? Why am I here?
Since the Garden of Eden, there has been a powerful narrative at work in the world. It is the story of shame. We know it well: “I am not good enough. I don’t really matter. I don’t have what it takes. Something is wrong with me. I am a bad mom. I am a bad dad.” This story has devastating effects on our lives. It leads us into insolation, holds us back from using our God given gifts, and prevents us from stepping into all our callings. Shame is an assault on God’s good creation. Yet, for many of us, it is the narrating the story of our lives.
But God has a different story to tell about us. Join us as we learn to let God narrate the story of our lives, find healing from the shame that binds us, and find hope in the story of Jesus.